On Friday 15 October 2021, Netherlands Food Partnership is hosting a unique and uplifting hybrid event for food professionals to celebrate World Food Day 2021.
The event will take a fresh look at three food system challenges: What does enabling healthy and sustainable food choices mean in an unequal food system? How can the potential of advanced digitalisation work be made to work for entrepreneurial food actors? How can a breakthrough be realized in achieving a living income for all?
Expect cutting-edge speakers, artistic inspiration and the opportunity to jointly reach fresh insights to contribute to food system transformation in the Global South.
keynote speakers
LAWRENCE HADDAD • Fresh global perspectives
Executive Director of GAIN andChair of the Food Systems Summit's Action Track 1
Economist Lawrence Haddad will share his reflections and insights about actionable outcomes of the Food Systems Summit. What do these outcomes imply for our immediate actions as food professionals?
CHARLES MICHEL • Fresh vision
Food educator & Activist
Colombian-French food educator, experience designer and community catalyst, Charles Michel (featured on Netflix's The Final Table) refreshes our senses by taking us on a journey that will open our eyes to the root causes and future of (un)healthy and sustainable food choices.
DATE: 15 October 2021
TIME: 10.00 – 12.15 CET
LOCATION: Online, live from Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam
LANGUAGE: English spoken
REGISTRATION: Registration is free

Collage faoRedistration is open now for the  Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) Intergovernmental Food Systems Dialogue co-convened by the FAO. The dialogues  theme is "Building Resilient, Inclusive and Secure Food Systems for Members of the OACPS" and will be held on the 6th of July 2021  at 20:00-22:30 (CET).

For more information and registration - http://newsletters.fao.org/q/13W8013Z0rKQWdAwfnPXo/wv




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The United Nations Food Systems Summit is running a “Best Small Business: Good Food for All” competition. The aim of the competition is to showcase inspiring small and medium agri-food companies that are making a positive impact in their community, country and the world. Every applicant will be invited to virtual Summit events. Small businesses around the world that help provide healthy food that is good for the environment, good for their communities and create jobs for people locally are invited to apply and share ideas and suggestions for how their countries and economies can maximize their positive impact.

Any business can apply if it has between five and 250 employees and plays a role in any aspect of food value and supply chain. Each submission will help inform global leaders with the priorities and resources these businesses need to thrive. The Summit will spotlight winners as the “Best 50 Small Businesses: Good Food for All”, as well as a share of US$100,000 in prize money..

Each submission will also help inform global leaders what businesses like yours need to help them thrive. Even if you don’t want to apply to the competition, you can raise your voice by completing just Step 1 of the application. The competition will run from April 29 to June 4, 2021. For more details - https://www.un.org/en/food-systems-summit/best-small-business-comp

Agrofood Entrepreneurship Training PROSI 1

As part of the ongoing Agrofood Entrepreneurship Training, in collaboration with PROSI Group Austria we will be organizing a session focusing on African farmers access to the African Diaspora Agrofood market. The aim of this session is to have an importer of African food explain to the farmers their criteria for selecting food products and suppliers.

The guest speakers are Sijimon&Greshma Pallikunnel, Directors at  PROSI Austria. They will also share their experience as sellers of African food in Europe including the challenges.

The Zoom link for the session is 

Meeting ID: 825 7064 6235

Passcode: 709287


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The 7th edition of the African Summit on Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be held November 5-6th 2021. The theme of this virtual edition is "Exploring Innovative opportunities across Africa's entrepreneurial ecosystem".

The summit brings together top leaders of  industries and expert to share knowledge on business and Innovation with a major focus on; Fintech, Agribusiness, Health Innovation, Sustainable Energy, Big Data, Smart cities, Financing, SDGs , Trade and Policies. For more details and registration use this link - https://www.asenti.org/

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The Joint Call Board from the ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 (SUStainable FOOD production and consumption) and FOSC (Food Systems and Climate) are pleased to announce the launch of the Joint Call for Proposals on Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems.

 This call for proposals is to fund projects that facilitate the transition from current linear food systems to resilient circular systems, including an optimal use of resources and less vulnerability to shocks under consideration of the interdependencies within the systems and its stakeholders.

 It will support projects taking a systems approach considering all relevant aspects in food systems and their potential to increase its sustainability (Topic 1) and resilience (Topic 2).

Proposals should include research on one of the following topics:


  1. Topic I: Innovations to improve food systems sustainability, with a focus on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste
  2. Topic II: Food Systems adaptation and resilience to system shocks

The Joint Call 2021 follows a one-stage procedure with a deadline for the submission of proposals on 16th of August 2021 - 3 p.m. (CEST). A webinar for interested applicants will be organized on June 2, 2021 at 1:20 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (CEST).

For more details  visit the websites of SUSFOOD (https://susfood-db-era.net) or FOSC (https://www.foscera.net).

pafo May

The 4th Innovations Session organised by the Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO) and the COLEACP will be on the 20th of May 2021 from 12 to 2pm. This virtual session will focus on the on Sustainable food systems: the key role of SMEs and businesses . 

The key points for discussion on sustainable food systems will be - 

How African MSMEs and farmers organisations can transition towards sustainable practices and what support do they need based on the obstacles they face?

What incentives can be provided to smallholders and MSMEs to adopt sustainable practices?

What main investments and incentives from the public and private sector can accelerate the transition towards sustainable practices?

How to reconcile investments by the MSMEs and farmers in sustainable food systems with the imperative of economic returns and access to new markets?

Read more ...  


Agrofood seminar Food ExportsThe next session of our Agrofood Entrepreneurship Training in Nigeria will focus on exporting food products from Nigeria. This session scheduled for the 3rd of June 2021 at 5pm Nigerian time is with Mr Arnold Jackson, Deputy Director/ Regional Coordinator South - East, Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC). The aim of this session is to provide relevant information to Nigerian entrepreneurs especially farmers interested in accessing regional and international markets.

The webinar by HarvestPlus on Integrating biofortification in food systems will be on the 11th of May 2021 at 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM CEST. According to the organizers this webinar will focus on the dynamics of business activity in biofortified seed, crop, and food value chains, in a discussion with those on the front lines. Their aim is to explore challenges and opportunities for businesses to enter and grow biofortified product markets, from the experiences and lessons learned by those on the front lines.

For  more information and registration -https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7692321201147554573 


Registration is now open for the 2021 European organic congress. The theme for this year is “Organic’s contribution to the European Green Deal”. it focuses on how the agri-food sector’s initiatives enhance the transition towards a more sustainable food system, through the aid of leading examples from representatives and experts amidst the organic sector. The New EU Organic Regulation 848/2018 will also be explored, while focusing on its implications for the objective of 25% EU organic land by 2030. For more details and registration use this link - https://europeanorganiccongress.bio/

Logistics Seminar

The Food Bridge vzw in partnership with African Diaspora Projects Initiative, Sankaa vzw and Fair Trade bv is organizing an information session on global transportation and logistics for African Diaspora Entrepreneurs. For many African Diaspora entrepreneurs and non profit organizations with development projects in Africa, finding suitable logistics solutions is always a challenge.
Entrepreneurs want to move goods from Africa to Europe and development actors want to move donations and goods from Europe to Africa too. This will be an information session by Mr Wim Leeflang, Director of Fair Trade will provide information about the innovative logistics solutions of Fair Trade bv. Netherlands and how entrepreneurs can benefit from their services. Here is the registration link - https://forms.gle/BS2be22XKdwXVNKy9

You can send questions in advance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.